Donate boat Ohio Charity boat donations OH

  • Charity Boat Donations Ohio

    Donate Ohio boat to Boats 2 Charity .org

    Charitable boat donations Ohio - Call toll free (888)-888-7187

    When you’re ready we are here to help you make a difference through Ohio boat donation to charity. You can donate from anywhere in Ohio all free of charge through our professional boat transport teams and caring volunteer staff. Make a Columbus Ohio boat donation, a Toledo Ohio boat donation, a Youngstown Ohio boat donation or even a Dayton Ohio boat donation in as little as a week and, with just an initial five minute call to our helpful volunteer staff at 1-888-228-7320. You can also make a full and complete Ohio boat donation through our online form by clicking here. Fill out our online Ohio boat donation form and have one of our team members contact you back at a time that works best with your busy schedule.

    Receive a full appraised value tax deduction and a free vacation for boat donation Ohio with us
    When you decide to give an Ohio boat we will go to work to help you maximize the savings available. This includes the possibility of receiving a free vacation from us and the opportunity to receive a full appraised value tax deduction from the IRS. To receive the vacation all you have to do is donate $500 or more in total boat value from anywhere in Ohio before the end of the year. To receive a full appraised value tax deduction from the IRS simply donate with a qualified appraisal in hand prior to donation and let us know up front. This way we can go to work to follow all IRS guidelines and prepare the proper documentation to ensure your full appraised value tax deduction eligibility!

    Need an appraisal? Give us a call today. We can put you in touch with an appraiser in your area who will help make a qualified appraisal of your donation and then provide you with the proper documentation to ensure your IRS tax deduction eligibility.

    Every donor who gives a boat should be rewarded with the highest possible tax deduction savings available. We work hard every day to give more back to our donors than any other charitable organization; providing the opportunity for full appraised value tax deductions and a free vacation offer for every boat donation in Ohio made worth $500 or more. Provide proceeds for charity or several charities all at once with one 5 minute phone call to us and the donation of your Ohio boat today!

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