Donate boat Hawaii Charity boat donations HI

  • Charity Boat Donations Hawaii

    Donate Hawaii boat to Boats 2 Charity .org

    Charitable boat donations Hawaii - Call toll free (888)-888-7187

    99% of organizations who accept boat donations and boat donations to charity do not serve the needs of Hawaii boat owners. If you own a boat even if it does not come with a boat you can donate that trailer to us and support thousands of charitable causes around the world by doing so. You can even give to proceeds directly to your favorite charitable cause right in Hawaii. In return for your boat donation you can expect to receive a full fair market value tax deduction and the potential for a free vacation offer from us! Give today in as little as five minutes time over the phone through the help of one of our volunteers at 1-888-228-7320 or by clicking our online Hawaii boat donation form here. The form is secure and our volunteers are happy to answer your questions seven days a week.

    Would you like to receive a vacation for your boat donation Hawaii?
    Donate a boat today worth $500 or more and you will be instantly eligible for a free vacation offer from us. Make a donation before the end of the year and as long as it meets our minimum requirement we will send you a free vacation offer along with your final tax deduction donation forms. It’s that easy to transform your Hawaii boat donation into a relaxing vacation on the beach or a five-star cruise headed for the Bahamas!

    We offer repair and restoration programs for qualified boat donations
    Do you have a boat that can be worth thousands more with a little time and elbow grease for put into it? We offer donors with qualified boat donations free repairs on us which can drastically improve the full fair market value tax deduction received by the donor and the proceeds received by charity! Give back today and your boat could be restored to showroom finish at no cost to you!

    Federal tax savings and a free vacation await you each time you give a Hawaii boat donation with us. In just five minutes time you can lock in federal savings and produce up to six years of offsets for federal taxes owed. You can also put thousands at the disposal of your favorite charitable causes! Give back to charity through Hawaii boat donation and us

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