Donate boat Arkansas Charity boat donations AR

  • Charity Boat Donations Arkansas

    Donate Arkansas boat to Boats 2 Charity .org

    Charitable boat donations Arkansas - Call toll free (888)-888-7187

    With free transport by our professional teams, seven-day a week volunteer customer service just a call away, and boat donation in Arkansas made as easy as a five-minute call, what’s not to like about gifting your boat to charity? Donate from anywhere in the state with us free of charge and receive federal tax savings based directly on the market value of your boat donation. On top of federal savings you can also receive a free vacation offer from us good for a Bahamas cruise or hotel stay, your choice! Donate today with one quick call to a volunteer at 1-888-228-7320. Have your boat donation picked up from just about anywhere in Arkansas in under a week! Make a hassle free donation today and put thousands at the hands of our beneficiaries and your favorite charitable causes.
    Have a boat that needs repairs or can’t move on its own? We can help!
    Even if your boats rusted and won’t budge you can still make a donation directly to charity with us! We have teams that can come out and handle any situation professionally and in a timely manner that works with your schedule. If your boat needs repairs and the repairs could drastically improve its overall market value we have specialized programs and professionals who are able to work on and make full repairs to qualified boat donations in Arkansas. A repaired or in some cases fully restored boat donation could put thousands more in your pocket in the form of federal tax savings. Give us a call today no matter what the circumstance; let our professionals transport teams handle everything for you! Donation is free and we can usually come out in under a week.
    Did we mention a free vacation each time you give with us?
    On top of federal tax savings and if you have an appraisal, (or would like an appraisal) the possibility for a full appraised value federal tax deduction you can look forward to a free vacation offer from us each time you give a boat in Arkansas with $500 or more. Donate today and meet this minimum requirement and the vacation offer is yours no strings attached!
    We ask for nothing else but your generosity and five minutes of your time over the phone. Leave the rest up to us and we will guarantee to help you lock in a full fair market value eligibility every time you donate a boat to charity in Arkansas! Call today to find out more or click here to submit your question or full donation details through our online Arkansas boat donation form. Remember, we are here seven days a week so feel free to contact us anytime!

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